Get proper assistance

For every step of the way

Providing appropriate

health care for Mums and Mums to Be

Offering reliable help

to meet your individual needs

Deepika Monga

Ballarat Specialist Women's Health
1015 Mair Street, Ballarat, Victoria

ph: 03 5333 5088

Pregnancy Care

Now that you know you're pregnant, it's more important than ever to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally.

Regular exercise during pregnancy is an important part of maintaining your general health and is encouraged.

A sensible exercise regimen, accepting of the changes to your body during pregnancy, is most appropriate. There may be circumstances that restrict the level/type of activity or require exercise to cease completely. Suitable exercise/strengthening regimens may be suggested by interested osteopaths or physiotherapists. Alternatively, pregnancy specific programs are available through well known commercial entities.

Travel during the second and third trimester (until 36 weeks) of pregnancy is generally safe. Your specific circumstances, gestation and destination will all impact on the advisability and particular advice for each individual. While I will discuss these issues with you, it is always advisable to inform the airline and insurance company of your plans before making any bookings.


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